Analicomm, Inc.
Established in 1984, Analicomm provides
Telecommunications Management and Telecommunications
Consulting services that are not readily available. Our
mission is to provide our clients the ability to create,
deploy, and manage the best possible
telecommunications system. Analicomm, Inc. does not
sell products or systems, rather we provide our clients the
equivalent of a 'Director of Telecommunications' for those
companies that lack the option to staff such a position.
A fresh perspective...
Focused on Small & Medium sized Businesses (SMBs),
Analicomm provides a common sense approach about how
to fit together the "jigsaw puzzle" that emerging technologies
have become. The key is buying what is needed vs. buying
what is offered
Our support can be as simple as “mentoring” someone newly
assigned to telecom, or as complex as completely
redesigning the telecom environment; a project that requires
interviewing executives, analyzing work-flows, assessing
needs, evaluating the current environment, structuring a
solution, creating RFI and/or RFP documents, working with
vendors responses, making recommendations, contracting
for hardware and services, and overseeing implementation.
Analicomm provides both the broad expertise to solve
problems and the commitment to see changes through.
A holistic view...
© Analicomm, Inc., Columbus, Ohio, 2013
The convergence of telecommunications with computers, data,
and both private and public networks requires a new definition for
telecommunications. That new definition is: “The collection of
devices, systems, software and services that enable real-
time communications between people.”
Telecommunications must be tailored to the people it serves and
to the tasks they perform. There is no one-size-fits-all solution.
The challenge is to embrace a vision broad enough to support
present and future needs, and to implement elements of that
vision that build on one another in a coherent fashion.
Telecommunications is the glue that binds people and facilities
into a productive entity. The better the system, the more
effectively people can work. Analicomm’s skill lies in knowing how
to build effective systems.
(ANALYsis of COMMunications)